Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Days

My precious boys on the day Hank turns 26-months-old. Um, where did my baby go and who replaced him with this little boy? A snow day in January, no school, no work, no leaving, no obligations, no phones ringing, just our family of three soon to be four. I need little Lily to arrive soon and safely...I'm outnumbered by testosterone and gross male farting and giggling about the word "poop." I need my girl here to roll her eyes and stare in disbelief about what the male species produces and thinks.
Today marks 33 weeks of pregnancy and 33 weeks of nausea and 33 weeks of sharing my body and 33 weeks of growing another little miracle. She truly has been so different in the womb than Henry was in my belly. Her movements are fast and crazy. She responds quickly when I want her to. She's an extremely active little girl. I think she already knows her name. She knows that her brother is a rough boy. She knows that Daddy is silly and has giant hands. She knows that Mom puts up with a lot in a day. I'm ready for her to be here and "get this show on the road" so to speak.
Okay, question...when did schoolboards and Oklahomans become such wusses? I remember waking up early on a schoolday watching the television an hour before the bus would arrive to see if there was any chance of us not going to school. The school districts and businesses around here were cancelling things before the first drop of rain even fell. It's crazy. This is the day of lawsuits and craziness. The stories of parents walking a mile in the snow to school end with our generation...pretty soon, we'll be cancelling events for ozone warning days, global warming events, and preparation for the crappy State of the Union address. As Bernie would say, "Toughen up Nancy!" Okay, done griping.
7 weeks or less until the arrival of Lily Green. Please keep our family in your prayers for a healthy, happy, normal baby girl...and maybe an easy delivery for Momma.
Hugs and Kisses.


kuliejellogg said...

Love it! He is SO big and grown up! Can't wait to see you soon.

Heather said...

Hi, love! I'm right there with you on the school districts being weenies! I even mentioned that on my blog (you should read my entry from's hilarious--if I do say so myself)! Can't wait to see you soon!

My Greatest Joy!

My Greatest Joy!

Mama Bear, Baby Bear, Papa Bear, Soon to be another Baby Bear

Mama Bear, Baby Bear, Papa Bear, Soon to be another Baby Bear

Being Mama Bear

Being Mama Bear
Precious quiet moments

Being Aunt Mama Bear

Being Aunt Mama Bear
My Baby Sam
